Friday, November 8, 2013

Indian Pottery

I made another round of Prickly Pear because the first one turned out so nice.  The only thing I did differently with this one is to add candy pearls and glitter to the top.

Made this soap on Wednesday after Linda left because I wanted to stay busy so I wouldn't be sad.  I so enjoyed her visit and hope she will come back in the Spring.

This soap is scented with Herbal Essence from Brambleberry and it smells very nice.  I put milled lavender in the entire batch and you can see the speckles throughout the soap.  I left the main batter natural and did a hanger swirl with two shades of purple and white.  This soap puts me in mind of a painted Indian pot therefore I'm calling it Indian Pottery.  I added lavender buds and glitter on top.  Byrdi told me I should try this hanger swirl with some football colors because this swirl reminded her of a flag flying.  It does kinda.  I really like this technique because it is easy and you're never quite sure of the look you're going to get.

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