Sunday, February 10, 2013

Creme Brulee

Made a soap yesterday from a recipe that has sunflower oil.   I found the recipe in a book that is now out of print called "handcrafted soap" by Delores Boone.  I got the book at the library and really liked it and was able to find a used copy on Amazon.  It is a book dedicated to hot process soap but I re-sized the recipe and cold processed it instead.  I sent a pic to my daughter and she said that it reminded her of creme brulee so that is what it will be called:

I added a cocoa line to the natural batter.  Added td to remaining batter and piped it on top. 

When I cut it this morning it was very soft and has not gotten a whole lot harder today.  I guess it will take a longer cure time because of all the soft oils.  

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