Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Three new soaps

I saw this design on a Youtube video.  Her's was prettier but I did find out from Roberta how to get a great red.  You use brick oxide from BB and add a hot pink or florescent pink.  This soap overheated on me so I took it out of the mold trying to push the crack back together so I got ugly shaped bars but the crack isn't noticeable.  I guess I got the lesser of two evils.

I've never used these color combinations together before but I kinda like them.  I love the hanger swirl.  Such an easy way to get a pretty soap.

Now this soap is a whole different story.  My soap was too thin when I poured it so my activated charcoal ran into my coral so much that it wiped out the coral all together.  I put black and silver glitter on the top and all it reminds me of is salt and pepper.  I used Bourbon Geranium in this soap so it has a hint of rose to it.  Shame I lost all but the faintest hint of color.

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