Sunday, October 27, 2013

Christmas Berry Version 2

I like this version better.  The berries are more realistic and I like the grated soap inside.  I discovered that if I grate the soap I am able to make the soap balls as small as I want.  In the other version I hot processed the soap and then tried to make berries by pinching off pieces and I wasn't able to make very small balls because the soap would crumble.

The green part that represents the leaf was a shaving from planing the bar of soap.  It automatic rolls itself into this shape so very little work is involved.  

I added a little over an oz of red grated soap and a little over an oz of green grated soap to a 32 oz batch of oils.  I piped plain white soap on top in order to have a bed to put the soap balls.  

I scented it with Frankinscense and Lily of the Valley fragrance oils.  I'm very pleased with this one.

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