Monday, October 14, 2013

Cool Water

Byrdi Jean sent me a bottle of Cool Water fo and it smells so good.  This is the soap that I chose to make for the men and it turned out great.  I poured the blue into the white, swirled once and then poured that mixture into the plain batter and swirled once.  When I poured it into the mold I poured from one end of the mold instead of in the middle like I normally do.  I really don't think it makes much difference in how the swirls look but I wanted to see.

There is hemp milk, clay, silk, oatmeal and goat milk powder in this soap.  So I think the men will feel as pampered as we gals do when we use handmade soap.  I wish everyone could really feel the difference it makes in how their skin feels when they use something that isn't processed to death with chemicals and all the good stuff removed to use in something else.  I'm totally in love with handmade soap.  

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