Saturday, March 30, 2013

Amber's Oatmeal Soap

This soap was made especially for Amber since she wanted some oatmeal soap.  I made some a long time ago that I gave her that was made with oatmeal I had ground up in my coffee grinder, however, this soap was made with collodial oatmeal so she may not like it as well since you don't notice the oatmeal as much but I like it better. I fragranced it with Japanese Cherry Blossom.  She will like the fragrance since it is powdery and floral but I much prefer crisper scents like rosemary and such.  It is colored with Brazilian Red Clay which they should call pink clay because it isn't red in the soap. Made with the sunflower recipe and I put poppy seeds in the pink and made a cocoa line.  I love this size bar that I get with the mold my husband made me.  It fits in your hand just right.

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