Saturday, March 30, 2013


I was shooting for a landscape soap but got a seascape instead.  Soaping always gives you what it wants and not what you want.  It is most always a surprise.  I scented this with Beach Breezes and Lavender fragrance oil to make up the difference.  I need to order more since I love Beach Breezes.  It is my sunflower recipe.  I used rose hips and vanilla bean powder for the bottom layer that was supposed to be dirt but now we call it sand.  I did an in the pot swirl for the blue and white, made a little scooped out place in the soap and spooned in the yellow and then topped it off with the purple.  Came out very nice, visually and scent wise.
I will make this again soon because it is such a pretty soap to give as a gift.  People have no idea how you made it.  I love being able to make soap and give it away.  What a blessing.
All packaged and ready to go.  May each bar bring as much pleasure to the person receiving it and it did to me when I made it.  I love making soap!!!!

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