Saturday, March 30, 2013

Yellow Lilies

This is tea tree oil soap for Gina and Catlin.  I finally got the right amount of oil in the soap thanks to "The Soap Magician."  I made two other recipes but I was only guessing about how much to add and didn't get it right either time.  Third time was a charm and I really liked the swirls I got (I did an IPS )and the way the top turned out.  I think I will call this Yellow Lilies because of the top.

This will be a great soap for young skin.  I added beeswax, oatmeal, goat milk powder and clay.  I'm going to include the recipe here because I think it is finally the way I want it.  The basic recipe came from Soaping 101:

12.8 oz olive oil
9.6 oz coconut oil
8.0 oz. tallow
1.6 oz. castor
4.55 sodium hydroxide
8.75 liquid

I added:
2 t. clay
1 T. collodial oatmeal
1 oz. cocoa butter for superfatting
.35 oz beeswax
1 t. goat milk powder

1 oz. tea tree oil
.20 Eucalyptus Lemon oil
.20 Juniper berry oil
.10 Lime oil

For coloring I used medium blue ultramarine with flourescent red orange to get the purple and flourescent strong yellow.  I got the ultramarine from Brambleberry and the red orange and yellow are flourescent micas from TKB Trading.

The texture is wonderful and there are tons of bubbles.  

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