Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Orchid Rain/Cedarwood & Litsea


Made my recipe of sunflower soap yesterday and I added the fragrance Orchid Rain from Candlepro.  This is the first time I've ever experienced ricing.  Little globs started appearing when I added the fragrance.  It smells nice,  but very light and not worth the effort of using again.  I don't want anything that gives me problems on my soaping shelf. 

I cut it this morning and I didn't notice anything unusual.  


Today I made another batch from the book Melissa got me at Christmas since my order from Soaper's Choice with my shea butter arrived yesterday.  I will include the recipe but I'm going to run it through a lye calc and increase the volume.  I poured it into my 2 lb. mold and there wasn't nearly enough.  This recipe is measured in grams so I wasn't sure how much it would make.  I guess I'm showing my ignorance but I always measure in ounces.  (The first and only time I made this recipe it was put into a Pringle's mold.  I don't know how many ounces they hold since I've never taken the time to measure but the recipe worked fine for that.)

I colored the base with French Green Clay and added a bit of t.d. and greem chrome for an IPS and the top.  Put glitter and gold mica on top.  Since I put mixture into my wooden mold I'm not going to cover it because I'm afraid it will crack.  I will probably cut this tonight because this recipe sets up quickly....which I like.  I had premixed 1 oz 10x orange, .50 oz Virginia cedarwood and .25 oz litea and from that I used the amount of essential oil called for in this recipe.

170 grams shea butter
170 grams palm oil
113 grams coconut oil
112 grams olive oil

78 grams sodium hydroxide
215 grams liquid

25 grams essential oil or fragrance

Happy soaping.  This is an excellent recipe btw.

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