Friday, March 1, 2013

Yesterday I made soap.  Big surprise.  I didn't have anything fancy in mind. I just wanted to soap.

I left the main batter plain and poured off two containers for pink and yellow.  The pink was merlot sparkle from BB and it turned out sorta mauve.  The yellow was fizzy lemonade from BB which is a bright yellow.  I didn't make either one of them real dark.  

I layered the pink and yellow and did a swirl with a spoon after I finished with the natural batter.  It wasn't anything all that great.  I probably won't do that again.  I was going to do a hanger swirl but the new rod that Carl made for me wouldn't fit into the silicone mold.  He made it for my narrow wooden mold that I love. 

I used my tallow recipe and added a little bit of goat milk, colloidal oatmeal and rhassoul clay.  I used Fresh Ginger Lime from Crafter's Choice but the name doesn't really go with the colors I chose for my soap so I'm calling this soap, "Rhassoul Clay and Oatmeal." If I think of a better name I will change it.  I'm not very good with thinking of something original.

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