Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hanger Swirl Purple and Aqua/Mango Mango

This soap smells absolutely wonderful.  I added 1 oz lavender fragrance oil since I'm out of lavender essential oil, .60 fir needle, and .40 rosemary.  I love it.  Normally when I make soap I keep the end pieces for myself and that's all, however, I am keeping a couple of bars of this for myself since I've almost used up one end piece.  It feels so creamy on the skin.  This is my sunflower soap recipe.  I need to call it something besides hanger swirl because I will be doing this one again because all the bars are gone except for mine.

This little soap doesn't look like much but the texture is wonderful.  It is made with tons of shea butter, mango butter, and mango tea.  I left it the natural color of the tea and poured the batter into my little silverware container that I got at Walmart that I love as a soap mold.  It hold 23 oz and is just perfect for a small batch.  I used grapefruit fragrance so you don't smell much.  I think I read where that eo is too delicate to hold in soap.  It didn't in mine but I wanted to give it a shot.

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